Warwick Rotarians added four new members in April. Shown, left to right, are Laurene Iammatteo, membership chair, who conducted the installation ceremony; new Rotarians Paul Ruszkiewicz, farmer and Orange County legislator; Tammy Scotto, Warwick realtor; Samantha Ferrari, customer relationships with Seely and Durland Insurance; and Chris Kane, retired New York firefighter and Warwick Ambulance Corps volunteer. At right is Rotary President Laura Barca. Photo by Jim LaPlante. Warwick. Rotarians install four new members; seek volunteers to scrape and paint UAME Church The Warwick Valley Rotary Club inducted four members into its community service organization during April. Membership chair... Local News 30 Apr 2023 | 01:34
PHOTO BY JIM LaPLANTE for Warwick Citizen of the Year Who should be Warwick’s next Citizen of the Year? You might have the answer. Local Rotarians are seeking nominations for the... Home 22 Jul 2022 | 03:14
Paul Nebrasky, owner of Paul Nebrasky Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, second from left, has been installed as a member of the Warwick Valley Rotary Club, by former Club President David Eaton, far right. They are shown with current Rotary President Leo R. Kaytes, left, and Frank Truatt, Nebrasky’s sponsor. Photo by David Dempster. Warwick. Rotarians induct Paul Nebrasky Local News 06 Dec 2021 | 07:58
Warwick Rotarians collected and donated more than 400 coats in November for the Catholic Charities organization. The 2021 Warwick Valley Rotary Club Coat Drive was chaired by Jennifer Hughes and Joyce Perron, with assistance from the Warwick Fire Department, Edenville Deli, Girl Scout Troop 407 and the Middle School Mileage Club, headed by Hunter Stuart. Drop off points supporting this year’s effort included Leo Kaytes Ford, Key Bank in Warwick, Paul Nebrasky Plumbing and Heating, Warwick Valley Middle School, Sanfordville Elementary School, Lynch Wealth Strategies and Keller Williams Real Estate. The co-chairs thanked residents who participated: “It was a true sharing project and efforts like this make Warwick a better community.” Provided photo. Warwick. Rotarians donate 400 coats to Catholic Charities Warwick Rotarians collected and donated more than 400 coats in November for the Catholic Charities organization. The 2021... Local News 28 Nov 2021 | 06:33
Lisa Kevins and Marge King-Porter have been installed as new members of the Warwick Valley Rotary Club. They join the service organization’s growing number of community volunteers, which now numbers in the 60s. Shown, left to right, are Leo R. Kaytes, club president; Frank Truatt, who sponsored Kevins; Lisa Kevins; Marge King-Porter; and her sponsor, Stan Martin, who performed the installation ceremony. Warwick Rotarians are local residents who believe in giving back to their community and have as their motto “Service Above Self.” They donate time and money to almost three-dozen community organizations and projects plus provide scholarships to deserving youth. They meet every Wednesday noon at the Landmark Inn. Prospective members are invited to attend. Photo by Wayne Patterson. Warwick. Rotarians induct two new members Local News 22 Aug 2021 | 05:35
From left, guest Lily McLean and Jim Bowes, from the Warwick Valley Gardeners, at the planting of a Kousa Dogwood at Kings Estates’ playground during an Arbor Day celebration that had been delayed by COVID-19 restrictions. Provided photo. Warwick Valley Gardeners and Tree Commission host delayed Arbor Day Celebration Because of COVID-19 restrictions this year’s traditional Arbor Day ceremonies in April could not take place. However, on Friday,... Local News 10 Nov 2020 | 11:56
Event Planning Committee members for the March 15 “Bowl for a Cause” community fund raiser to help prevent suicide and drug abuse gather to make final plans at Pin Street bowling alley. Pictured from left to right are: Wayne Patterson, Neil Sinclair, Jan Brunkhorst, Jonathan Vargas (High School Interact student), co-Chairs Ed Lynch and Dr. David Dempster, Joyce Perron, Alayna Skok, Stan Martin and John Costello. ( Provided photo) Bowl for a cause Warwick Rotarians and the Warwick Valley High School Interact Club will host a “Bowl for a Cause” community fund raiser next... Local News 19 Feb 2020 | 12:07
Geoffrey Green addressed the impact of mental illness, substance abuse and suicide in Warwick and surrounding communities during the Feb. 12 Warwick Valley Rotary Club luncheon. Joining in the presentation were Susan Wynn, Amy Green Morris and Karen Kondakjian Gauvin from “Team up for Hope,” a local non-profit organization striving to increase awareness of these conditions. Warwick Rotarians and the Warwick Valley High School Interact Club will host a “Bowl for a Cause” community fund raiser to help prevent suicide and drug abuse. Individuals or teams of all skill levels are invited to participate. The event is scheduled for Sunday, March 15, at Pin Street at Warwick, 154 Route 94 South. Registration will be from noon to 1 p.m. and bowling from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Cost is $25 per bowler, which includes bowling, shoes and refreshments. All skill levels, individuals and teams from organizations, are welcome. To register or donate to the cause, contact www.warwickvalleyrotary.org. ( Photo by David Dempster) ‘Team up for Hope’ seeks problem awareness Business 14 Feb 2020 | 02:36