Letter to the Editor: No notification? Dear Editor, The Town of Warwick has signed a lease for a massive solar farm which would require deforestation of the property... Letters to the Editor 27 Jun 2023 | 02:03
Letter to the Editor: Summer movies on the lawn Dear Editor: Surprise, surprise! On June 15, the Monroe Free Library presented “Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark”... Letters to the Editor 26 Jun 2023 | 12:00
During March, the good folks at the Child Care Council of Orange County put out collection boxes at various locations including public libraries. The request was for new or gently used board or picture books for children aged birth through five years old. In council collected more than 3,000 books from all over the county. Photo provided by the Child Care Council of Orange County. ‘Books are meant to be read, reread and used’ Here at the Child Care Council of Orange County, we work directly with child care providers in many capacities. We often... Letters to the Editor 01 May 2023 | 02:50
Letter to the editor. Raising minimum wage lifts business As a small business owner, I’m invested in New York. I’m not looking for a quick buck. I’m building a business to last for... Letters to the Editor 12 Apr 2023 | 05:13
Letter to the editor. Honoring life? While I appreciate, to some degree, the public efforts of state and local officials in trying to prevent the closure of Saint... Letters to the Editor 12 Apr 2023 | 05:06
Letter to the editor. Our country’s gun problems To the editor: To solve the gun problems in our country, it has been suggested to address the mental health crisis first.... Letters to the Editor 05 Apr 2023 | 12:01
Letter to the editor. Village Tree City designation To the Editor, I would like to respond to the recent letter to the editor about the Village’s Tree City designation. The Village... Letters to the Editor 04 Apr 2023 | 09:02
Letter to the editor. Opposing expansion To the editor, I was disappointed to learn from a news article that Orange County has subdivided their land and is looking... Letters to the Editor 28 Mar 2023 | 10:42
Letter to the editor. Unlivable wages Dear Warwick, Let me introduce us - the Service and Technical Bargaining Unit Employees of St. Anthony Community Hospital,... Letters to the Editor 15 Mar 2023 | 01:56
Why the wait to help Ukraine? To the editor: Not too long ago when Saddam was planning to occupy Kuwait, how many nations got together (fast) and rushed... Letters to the Editor 26 Jan 2023 | 11:02
Support your local paper (You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone) To the Editor: I am recommending that people that receive the Advertiser-News North make a donation to keep receiving the... Letters to the Editor 03 Jan 2022 | 02:17
One of the biggest psychological stunts in history To the Editor: Fear is one of the seven universal emotions. It can be physical, psychological, real or imagined. Fear is your... Letters to the Editor 29 Nov 2021 | 05:07
By getting the COVID vaccine, you are ‘helping your fellow citizens stay safe’ On Friday I returned home from completing my civic responsibility by receiving my COVID booster shot and was outraged by... Letters to the Editor 22 Nov 2021 | 12:01
A one-party governance system is never healthy Warwick is a perfect example of America in miniature. We have the full spectrum of political and social perspectives. Unlike... Letters to the Editor 19 Oct 2021 | 12:06
No country for one voice The reality we are living in this nation and in our community is that of division and control. I have heard so much about... Letters to the Editor 18 Oct 2021 | 03:47