Letter to the editor. Our country’s gun problems

| 05 Apr 2023 | 12:01

    To the editor:

    To solve the gun problems in our country, it has been suggested to address the mental health crisis first.

    That’s all wrong. Get rid of the guns and ten move on to more pressing problems.

    But people in charge are too busy concentrating on Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece “David.” What’s next? The celestial ceiling at the Vatican? Wipe the smile off Mona Lisa’s face? Put boxer shorts on David?

    Politicians should worry about poverty, hungry children, crime. Which bathroom to use? Gasp! You people get paid for not doing your job.

    Philistine, country old men - get a grip. What’s in your pants? Just asking - no, not really.

    Europa is laughing at us.

    Hannelore Vogler
