13 Top-Rated Sites to Buy Instagram Likes: Expert Picks

| 28 Jun 2024 | 05:22

Instagram likes seem to be no big deal. When you watch a video you like, you hit the “like” button and move on. It’s nothing more than a tip of the hat to the content creator, right?

Not exactly. You’d be surprised at how important likes are to anyone who’s trying to build an audience on the Gram. Likes boost a post’s Instagram engagement rate, a metric that largely determines how many people get to see your content.

In fact, those who understand how the social media platform works often purchase IG likes from quality services like Twicsy and Buzzoid— because those engagements generate larger audiences for their photos and videos, and open the door to greater popularity and importance on Instagram.

Before we get to the best sites for Insta likes, let’s talk a little more about how they work.

Earning Exposure on Instagram

It’s not easy to have your posts shown on Instagram users’ feeds. Billions of videos and photos are stored on the app’s servers, and more than 100 million new Instagram posts are created every day. That’s so much content that the system needs rules and “traffic cops” to handle it all.

In a nutshell, here’s what happens. The Instagram algorithms have been programmed to give most of the available visibility to popular accounts and posts. If you’ve just uploaded a video from an Instagram account with a small number of followers, you’re basically out of luck.

There’s one loophole, though. One factor the algorithms consider is how quickly a post’s engagement rate is growing — and that brings us back to purchased likes. Buying real Instagram likes from a reputable social media marketing service sends a post’s engagement soaring. The system responds by giving the post a much larger audience.

That’s the key to building an Instagram presence.

More people seeing the video means more views, more likes, more follows, and more influence on the platform. Believe it or not, a majority of Instagram influencers built their popularity by purchasing likes from a trustworthy Instagram service, and many businesses reach audiences filled with potential customers by including IG likes in their Instagram marketing strategies.

There’s just one hitch.

The Importance of Real Instagram Likes

You may have noticed the word “real” in the last section, and it’s not there by accident. The Instagram algorithms will only recognize likes from real Instagram users with real accounts on the app. And only high-quality services can deliver real likes from real people.

Most websites selling Instagram engagements provide fake likes generated with bots and linked to fake accounts. The algorithms quickly delete them, so they don’t trigger organic growth. And since fake engagements violate Instagram’s terms and conditions, the accounts trying to use them are often deleted as well.

That leaves one question: where can you buy real Instagram likes? As you’ve probably guessed, we have the answer right here. These are the 13 best sources of IG likes.

The Fab Four

1. Twicsy

Experience shouldn’t be the #1 consideration when you’re choosing an Instagram likes provider, but it’s certainly a big plus. Twicsy has been providing high-quality likes, followers, and views to Instagram users for more than a dozen years, and their continuing success is testimony that their service works like a charm to boost audiences and importance for their customers.

Let’s start with the most important fact: all Twicsy likes come from real users with real accounts on the platform, so they keep your account safe while triggering strong organic growth. You can choose from eight different likes packages ranging from 50 to 10,000 genuine engagements, so this is a company you can work with during every stage of your Instagram journey.

For extra power, Twicsy offers upgrades to premium likes that come from users who are very active on the app; the algorithms like those interactions even more and reward them with greater exposure. You can also split all likes packages between multiple posts, and Twicsy includes free video views with all purchases made at their very affordable prices.

The user experience on the provider’s website is first-rate, with a secure ordering process that takes less than a minute, available payment methods include debit and credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay, there’s instant delivery of all likes, and a 24-hour customer support team can quickly solve rare issues, answer questions about the service, or create custom orders.

You can depend on all four of the providers we’ve given extended reviews to for strong organic account growth. Twicsy’s results are better than the rest.

Buy Twicsy’s real Instagram likes by clicking here

2. Rushmax

Rushmax can’t boast Twicsy’s 12 years of experience, but in less than half the time, they’ve built a service that can compete head-to-head with Twicsy (or anyone else).

Packages of genuine Instagram likes start at just 50 and 100 (great for small accounts) and top out at 5,000 and 10,000 (perfect for influencers and large companies). Premium likes are available for an extra fee, but all of Rushmax’s prices are reasonable and right around the same level that other top-end services charge. There’s fast delivery of all likes, too.

Safety for your personal and financial information is always ensured by secure servers and encrypted transactions, with a rapid checkout process that lets you stay anonymous throughout (you only have to supply your Instagram username, never your account password). And expert customer support is available around the clock.

The results you’ll see from Rushmax likes are almost as impressive as those that Twicsy delivers, and occasionally even better. This is an outstanding IG provider.

Buy Rushmax’s real Instagram likes by clicking here

3. Buzzoid

Buzzoid began selling Instagram engagements right around the same time as Twicsy, and the two services have been ranked 1-2 for years. It’s only this year that Rushmax was able to sneak past Buzzoid into the #2 spot —and that’s because they’ve gotten better, not because Buzzoid has gotten worse.

Buzzoid’s eight available packages of real IG likes (16 packages if you count their premium like upgrades) are all fairly priced, delivered rapidly, and very effective at boosting exposure for customers’ content and popularity for their accounts. They also offer an automatic likes service that adds likes to every new post you create.

Ordering from Buzzoid is a breeze, with a streamlined process that prioritizes safety and security, and you can easily reach support reps day or night for questions or assistance. The organic growth triggered by Buzzoid likes is strong and effective; they may not be quite as good as Twicsy and Rushmax — although some influencers insist that Buzzoid is even better.

Buy Buzzoid’s real Instagram likes by clicking here

4. InstaPort

The newest of our top four services, InstaPort appears to be on a trajectory much like Rushmax’s. They’ve built an outstanding service that continues to grow and improve year after year, and may soon be ready to make a push to reach our top three.

High-quality likes packages are available from 50-10,000 real Instagram users, prices are reasonable and delivery is immediate, the customer experience and support are on par with its higher-ranked competitors, and InstaPort results, on average, are just a notch below Buzzoid’s.

Quite a few IG influencers use InstaPort to vary the sources of their likes, and we predict it won’t be long before some of those power users decide to switch to this provider as their primary likes service.

The Backup Band

There’s at least one reason these services didn’t make our top four, but their real likes won’t put your account at risk if you want to try them.

5. DVY Labs: A quality provider that charges very high prices.

6. The IGSupercharger: Good quality likes and service, but the website is awfully hard to navigate.

7. TheIGPros: The likes deliver good growth but take a long time to be delivered.

8. Pulse Pixel: Budget provider whose instant likes are real but medium-quality.

9. InstaMiracle: You’ll see decent results, but some of the likes aren’t of the best quality.

10. Genius Gram: You can choose countries where your likes come from, at a high price.

11. Social Boosters: It can take more than a day for your real likes to appear in your account.

12. Follower Flow: The quality is good, but the results strangely aren’t.

13. Viral City: Nothing’s great about this service, but nothing’s really bad, either.

Buying Instagram Likes: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will this strategy work for me?

A: It will work for anyone who creates compelling, high-quality content on subjects that lots of Instagram users will enjoy watching. Buying likes has helped many Instagram influencers become celebrities, it’s allowed content creators to show their work more widely, and it’s allowed businesses to reach large numbers of prospective customers in their target audiences. One caution, though. Purchasing IG likes can make your videos and photos visible to many new people, but the old cliché “You can bring a horse to water but you can’t make him drink” is apt here. If your new audience doesn’t like what they see, you’re not going to pick up a high number of organic likes and follows. Producing terrific content is always job 1.

Q: Is there any other benefit to purchasing Instagram likes?

A: Yes, and it’s called “social proof.” Imagine that you’re looking at your IG feed and you see a post with a large number of likes. You’re more likely to stop and watch that vid than you are to watch one with only a handful of likes. That’s common human behavior; when lots of people have enjoyed something, it’s only natural that others become curious and want to see what the fuss is all about.

Q: Is buying Instagram likes legal?

A: 100%. There are no laws, in the USA or anywhere else in the world, that govern the use of social media engagements. Purchasing likes doesn’t violate any of Instagram’s rules, either, as long as you buy real Instagram likes from a trustworthy likes service.

Q: Is there an alternative to buying likes?

A: You can try to build popularity for your Instagram pages and posts manually, but the competition for viewers is so fierce that you’re unlikely to find much success. Methods like including lots of trending hashtags on your posts, optimizing your Instagram profile and username to clearly identify the topics your videos focus on, and promoting your content through your other social media accounts will probably only bring in a small number of extra video views and an even smaller number of likes. Purchasing Instagram engagements is the fastest and most effective way to boost your social media presence.

Q: What about buying Instagram followers and views?

A: Purchasing real Instagram views will do more or less the same thing as buying active likes because they each increase engagement rate. Views are usually less effective than likes, although adding both of them can help put a video that’s already popular onto users’ Explore pages. Buying new followers is better for building popularity for an entire account rather than individual posts.