Warwick’s summer concert series may see some changes
Warwick. In light of mounting egg prices, the board also considered updating its chicken ordinance.

Discussion about the Warwick summer concert series dominated much of the March 3 Warwick Village Board meeting, as the trustees debated such issues as concert location, times, and the number of performances.
Trustee Mary Collura shared that she heard from certain restaurant owners who felt the Saturday evening concerts were negatively impacting their business. While members of the board noted that restaurants along Railroad Green tend to benefit from the concerts, those outside of the concert area see a reduction in traffic. Collura proposed the idea of holding the concerts earlier in the evening to not conflict with peak restaurant times.
Regarding the concert locations, Trustee Carly Foster asked the board to consider the needs of the entire village and how Stanley Deming is a preferred venue for many residents, particularly for those who may feel overwhelmed by the congested nature of Railroad Green. Trustee Barry Cheney countered that he felt Stanley Deming had a lot of shortcomings, including the size of the gazebo area, and that those concerts are not well attended.
The board agreed that the locations should be spread out across both locations and Trustee Thomas McKnight suggested that the contracts with artists include a stipulation that they be willing to perform at either venue.
Another issue raised by the board was the number of concerts in the summer and whether reducing the number and putting that money toward fall or winter events, such as the Winter Wiggle, would be a better use of the budget.
During the meeting, the board also discussed the possibility of changing a local ordinance to allow for village residents to keep chickens and other animals that are now prohibited. Foster noted that with the price of eggs being so high, many residents might be interested in supplementing their food supply with their own chickens.