What is the bestway to save for your child’s college expenses?
Saving for college requires a structured plan that balances growth potential with risk. One option is a 529 College Savings Plan or another option is high interest checking account.
Rhinebeck Bank i spaying 5.00% APY* on balances up to and including$10,000. We can also help you set up a 529 plan and even automate monthly contributions, making it easier to save consistently.
Other options include Coverdell Education Savings Accounts or custodial accounts likea UTMA/UGMA, which provide greater flexibility butmay have tax implications. Rhinebeck Bank can guide you through these choices and tailor a plan that fitsyour family’s financial situation and goals.
Visit your local branch today to get started:
Warwick: 62 Main Street, Suite 1
Goshen: 252 Main Street