(From left right) Orange County Sheriff Carl E. DuBois, Deputy County Clerk Kelly Eskew, Senator Mike Martucci, Assemblyman Karl Brabenec, District Attorney David Hoovler and Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus on Wednesday, December 29th Dana Distributors in Goshen. Alert Cab program offers free rides for New Year’s safety Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus joined District Attorney David Hoovler and Sheriff Carl E. DuBois on Wednesday,... Local News 29 Dec 2021 | 02:04
‘We have so much to celebrate’ This Fourth of July, we have so much to celebrate. After more than a year spent apart, Americans everywhere are looking forward... Letters to the Editor 28 Jun 2021 | 06:42
‘It’s time to put the election behind us’ As 2020 winds down, I look forward to some light ahead. It’s time to put the election behind us. Stop stirring up fear over... Letters to the Editor 13 Nov 2020 | 11:43
Prosecutors: The unscrupulous are preying on people's fears of COVID-19 Orange County District Attorney David M. Hoovler, Ulster County District Attorney David J. Clegg and State Comptroller Thomas... Local News 29 Apr 2020 | 02:51
Orange County. #GivingTuesdayNow needs you In this time of uncertainty, there's a fundamental truth that gives us hope - that together we can do extraordinary things.... Local News 29 Apr 2020 | 11:39