Cascade Lake in Warwick. 15-year-old trail plan incites resident concerns Residents of Cascade Road expressed their concern about pedestrian safety in relation to the planned bike/hike trail connecting... Local News 31 Dec 2024 | 02:10
Suzyn Barron, president of the Warwick Valley Humane Society, and Ken Mitchell made their way to the stranded dog that had fallen into the icy water. Provided photo. ‘This ending was a happy one’ On Tuesday, Jan. 17, Jason McCreeley and his dog, Margo, were in Warwick’s Cascade Lake Park and saw two dogs on the ice.... Local News 23 Jan 2023 | 02:41
Park identified Dear Editor, Neighbors near the park have finally gotten a sign. They had asked scores of times for a sign, and for a while,... Letters to the Editor 23 Aug 2022 | 10:31
Responsive, but vigilance still needed at Cascade Lake Park I write to publicly thank the Town of Warwick and especially its Department of Public Works. After the Town learned of the... Letters to the Editor 29 Nov 2021 | 02:43
The letter writer said that on a recent weekend, one of the last remaining benches at Cascade Lake Park was intentionally destroyed by a full-size vehicle that left clear tire treads, proving the source of the bench’s demise. Photo provided by Deborah Young. Rise up. Demand. Protect. During the run up to the recent local elections, much was said regarding the Town of Warwick’s commitment to preserving open... Letters to the Editor 15 Nov 2021 | 12:49