College Admissions Expert Elizabeth Levine: August 1 – A Date You Should Take Note Of
August 1 – A Date You Should Take Note Of

Now is a quiet time, so to speak. The Common App is offline to get ready for the upcoming season’s application to be ready first thing on August 1. What does this mean to you? Well, if you haven’t started your Common App yet, do so on, or near 8/1. Although I know you don’t want to hear it, the first day of school of your senior year, is around the corner, and we all know life gets pretty busy once that day hits.
What else does 8/1 mean to you to further your college applications? Once the new Common App becomes available, you can add the colleges that you will be applying to. Answer their school specific questions and compile all of your supplemental essays. (If you want to understand what a supplemental is, go to our YouTube channel and view this 1 minute video that explains it all, and their importance – See link below).
At this point, the work is just beginning. Now you need to work on your supplemental essays since you can’t submit any applications that have any until you do so.
As a note, all colleges don’t participate in the Common App. As an example, some of the colleges you want to apply to may be part of the Coalition Application or have their own proprietary application. If you can’t find your college when searching on the Common App, go to the school’s web site and see where to find their application.
There’s no time like the present. If you haven’t started your applications or primary essay yet, do it now. As I say, don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Trust me, down the road, you will thank me for heeding my advice.
Link to our YouTube channel – Supplemental Essays
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