Vote yes on Prop One to ‘ensure that New York continues its proud history regarding women’s rights’

| 15 Oct 2024 | 02:43

    New Yorkers can vote on a ballot initiative on election day that will help ensure that our children and grandchildren don’t end up with less rights than we had.

    Check the back of your ballot to find Proposition One, known also as the Equal Rights Amendment. By passing it we can amend the state constitution to include protections against discrimination based on a person’s national origin, disability, gender, or ethnicity.

    Politicians across the country are undercutting people’s rights. New Yorkers need this constitutional amendment to close dangerous loopholes that can leave people vulnerable to the whims of whoever is in office.

    Voting “yes” ensures NY women have the right to control their own bodies.

    Doctors and their patients will not be subject to criminal prosecution for providing reproductive health care.

    Invitro-fertilization will remain legal.

    Insurance companies cannot ban abortion coverage.

    LGBTQI+ and those seeking gender affirming counseling cannot be treated as criminals.

    New York State cannot pass an abortion ban.

    There’s a saying that “to prevent unwanted presidencies, VOTE.” This has new significance in 2024. There’s a war against women around the country. Help ensure that New York continues its proud history regarding women’s rights. Vote “yes” on Proposition One.

    Willa Freiband
