Supervisor’s corner

| 03 Feb 2025 | 04:40

    Over the weekend, the Florida Fire Department ran another highly successful ice fishing tournament on Glenmere Lake near the Village of Florida. The event drew more than 150 participants of all ages and although I did not catch the biggest fish of the day, many kids and young adults landed on the leaderboard! The event was yet another example of local organizations promoting the outdoors and getting folks out on some of our town’s most amazing natural resources. Special thanks to the Florida Fire Department for coordinating the event and thank you to the Florida Chamber, Warwick Ambulance Corps, and Mayor Dan Harter and the Florida Village Board for supporting the event.

    Confidential household income surveys for residents of the Wickham Sewer District (Kings Estates, Wickham Village, Wickham Knolls area): Please complete your survey via the link/QR code provided or mail your completed survey in the envelope provided. We ask that the surveys be completed/returned no later than February 28th, 2025. We are required to obtain survey data on at least 40% of the total households in the district. The household income survey will allow us to use specific income data related only to the sewer district users and is a required element to a successful grant application. Unfortunately, the Wickham Sewer treatment plant is 40 years old and requires millions of dollars’ worth of necessary upgrades and if we are unsuccessful in obtaining grant funding, the sewer district residents will have to foot the bill for the upgrades. We are doing everything we can to avoid added costs for the residents of the district and your help is required. Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions: or by calling 845-986-1120, ext. 4.

    The next regular meeting of the town board will be held on Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 7 p.m. in the Warwick Town Hall, 132 Kings Highway. A public workshop of the town board may take place up to 90 minutes prior to the regular scheduled meeting. There will also be a public hearing on Local Law #1: to amend our town code permitting maximum height of eight-foot fences in rear and side yards where only six-foot fences are now permitted. This meeting can be viewed live on the Town of Warwick’s YouTube channel or, if you are an Optimum customer, on Channel 21 of your cable box.

    Jesse Dwyer, Supervisor

    Town of Warwick