Pine Island Chamber seeks nominations for 2023 Citizen of the Year and 2023 Young Citizens Achievement awards

The Pine Island Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the 2023 Citizen of the Year.
Letters of nomination should include the candidate’s name and a description of their credentials.
The primary criterion for nomination should be a service to their community – in the past year or over a longer period of time.
Nominees should be past or present Pine Island residents.
Pine Island, in this context, is defined as the Pine Island Fire District, which includes the Hamlet of Pine Island as well as Amity, Little York and Pulaski Highway to Quaker Creek.
The Chamber is also seeking the nomination of outstanding youths to be recipients of the Young Citizens Achievement Award.
Candidates should be high school students who have served their community as volunteers while maintaining good academic grades.
Both the Citizen of the Year and the Young Citizens Achievement Award winners will be honored at the chamber’s Annual Social and installation of officers in the fall, at a location and time to be determined.
Nominations are due by Saturday, Oct. 1, and should be sent to:
Selection Committee
Pine Island Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 354
Pine Island, N.Y. 10969
We very much appreciate your assistance in this endeavor.
Susan McCosker
Pine Island Chamber of Commerce