People v. Duthie: another view

To the Editor:
There are several inaccuracies presented by Mr. Sussman, Attorney for Daniel & Lauretta Duthie, in his response to the District Attorney Hoovler’s press release on their animal cruelty conviction. It was actually Warwick Police Detective Hoffman who obtained the initial search warrant based on the deposition of a former employee of the Duthies who had been employed for only 3 weeks. Jenna, the 13.5 yr. old blind and deaf, but NOT senile dog did have the tumor successfully removed after she was surrendered to Warwick Valley Humane Society and spent the last year of her life in a loving and attentive home free of chronic infection and discomfort proving they neglected to provide necessary sustenance, which in this case was veterinary care (NYS Agriculture & Markets Law, Article 26 - cruelty to animals). One count versus 22 counts of animal abuse has the same result at sentencing. Finally, no animal cruelty charges are ever absurd where an animal’s welfare is concerned.
Suzyn Barron