National policies affect us right here

| 13 Feb 2025 | 11:00

    I’m grateful to see that the Orange County Industrial Development Agency will probably receive federal funds for assessing hazardous waste sites so they can be remediated. Those funds are the type of assistance which President Trump has tried to freeze. That action could affect all our states, and obviously, it could affect us right here in our local communities.

    Some people would rather not pay attention to politics, but I hope this news shows that politics, even on a national level, which seems so far away, can impact us.

    It’s one thing to evaluate specific programs for their usefulness and efficiency, but quite another to issue a blanket freeze on everything from environmental protection to education to healthcare. That is not an effective strategy for governing, but is incredibly destructive.

    I hope that local officials are paying close attention to this. If your party is taking actions which can negatively affect your community, you might consider letting your party leaders know what you need. And I hope that citizens are paying close attention, letting their elected officials know how they feel, and considering the consequences when they vote the next time.

    Mary Makofske
