Memorial Day

| 20 May 2024 | 03:39

    As we gather this Memorial Day to remember and honor those who have served our nation, the town of Warwick extends heartfelt gratitude to all veterans for their selfless service and unwavering dedication to protecting our freedoms. Memorial Day is a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made by the brave men and women of our armed forces. In addition, we must be reminded of and acknowledge the sacrifices made by the families of our service members.

    On this Memorial Day, we also remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. Their memory lives on in the freedoms we cherish and in the hearts of all who understand the true cost of liberty. We honor their legacy by committing ourselves to the principles they fought to protect and by supporting their families and loved ones who carry the weight of their loss.

    As a community, we are united in our respect and admiration for our veterans. Your dedication and service are the foundation upon which our freedoms are built. Today and every day, we are committed to honoring your contributions and ensuring that your legacy is preserved for future generations. May this Memorial Day serve as a reminder of our collective appreciation and the enduring legacy of those who have served.

    Jesse Dwyer, Warwick Town Supervisor

    Greenwood Lake