Letter to the editor: Everett’s last dance

| 26 May 2023 | 04:54

    Dear editor,

    Last Friday, I went to see my brother, Everett, perform with a group of fellow vets on the Intrepid. I’ve seen Everett perform probably around 10 times or more.

    This performance was sponsored by Exit12 Dance Company. Each performance is unique onto itself, somber and emotional. The common theme is the mental health of our combat vets and the effects of PTSD on them and their families and friends. Many of the performances are simply gut wrenching.

    This was Everett’s last performance because he is moving to first Paris and then Germany. It was very obvious how much Everett’s peers respect and love him.

    Besides VET workshops, Everett worked for Vet to Vet, a division of the Orange County Mental Health Association. Everett retired from that position a few years ago but continued on as a volunteer. A couple weeks ago Everett was honored as the Volunteer of The Year in Orange County.

    Everett has suffered from PTSD for many years. While working on his own issues Everett has been an advocate for many veterans over the years. His work, among other duties, has had him traipsing through the woods to bring a vet out for a meal, a trip to the V.A. hospital or just a talk. It is impossible to quantify how many lives Everett saved. He brought a bit of sunshine to many despondent vets.

    Memorial Day Week is a time to honor our fallen vets, the ultimate sacrifice. Please too never the forget our vets who fight every day for a pain free life.

    Thank you Everett for all your selfless work. You will be missed.


    John Cox

    Greenwood Lake