Albert Wisner Public Library vote

| 09 May 2024 | 04:49

    Each year, Albert Wisner Public Library holds a vote for approval of the tax levy portion of the Library’s proposed operating budget and to elect trustees to serve on its Board. I am happy to report that on May 7, 276 voters approved a 4% increase in the Library tax levy for 2024/2025, and that both Colleen Larsen and Mary Berrigan were reelected to five-year terms as trustee. I thank the Friends of the Library for their enthusiastic support, and also Jennifer Bengel of the Warwick Valley Central School District. Jennifer’s expertise in handling our vote every year is a blessing.

    This successful vote allows the Library to continue growing and developing resources to make available to the community. However, it does not allow me, the Board of Trustees, and the staff to take for granted the community’s support, nor to disregard the concerns of the 52 residents who did not vote in favor. Annual voting is important and necessary, but the opportunity for dialogue is ongoing. You are always welcome to stop by, say hi, and share your thoughts with me at the Library.

    Lisa Laico, Director

    Albert Wisner Public Library
