A plea to hunters: Set example, be ethical and compassionate

| 22 Nov 2019 | 09:45

    Yesterday (Thursday, Nov. 21) my husband and I noticed a wounded buck in our backyard and were horrified to discover that he had an arrow lodged in his skull above his eye.

    The extent of his suffering was unimaginable to us as we have no idea when the injury was sustained, thus how long he had been wandering in this condition.

    We contacted the Town of Warwick Police Department, and Officer Mike Kearns was dispatched to our home, where he euthanized the deer and arranged to have the body removed from our property. We wish to acknowledge the kindness, sensitivity and compassion of Officer Kearns.

    Also, perhaps a moment of reflection and self-inquiry for any hunters reading this letter: We assume hunters don’t kill out of hatred for their prey or a desire to inflict pain. We imagine they have a deep respect and appreciation for these animals.

    If you are a hunter, you owe it to the animal to do everything in your power to ensure a quick, humane kill with as little pain and suffering as possible.

    Also, you owe it to your fellow hunters to set a good example of ethical, compassionate hunting for those of us who don’t understand the attraction to what we see as a needlessly violent activity.

    Please be careful and be kind.

    Margaret and Gary Johnson,
