The 9/11 Memorial Sculpture Garden is in place and completed in time for a beautiful and meaningful dedication ceremony.
It was a community effort and I would like to thank the following individuals and organizations.
It is with gratitude I thank the Historical Society Curator, Michael Bertolini, and former Assemblyman Howard Mills III who were responsible for acquiring the I-beam from the World Trade Center.
Thank you to the late DPW Employee Wayne Shorter and former Building Inspector Dan Kelly who brought the beam to Warwick.
Thank you to the committee who helped to develop the Memorial: Artist, Amy Lewis Sweetman, Corey Bachman, Dave Getz, Mike Moser and John Deerkoski and special thanks to George “Mr. Warwick” Arnott for his fundraising expertise.
I would like to thank the following for generous financial donations:
Barton & Loguidice Engineers
Goodwill Hook & Ladder
NYS Senator Mike Martucci
Pine Island Chamber of Commerce
Seely & Durland Insurance
Town of Warwick
Town of Warwick Shade Tree Commission
Village of Warwick
Village of Warwick Shade Tree Commission
Warwick EMS
Warwick Fire Department
Warwick Lions Club
Warwick Valley Gardeners
Warwick Valley Rotary
Donations of in-kind service and materials:
Dave Getz, Engineering & Surveying Properties, Authentic Antique Lumber, E.P. Jansen Nursery, Eileen Patterson, Track 7, Etched in Time, Roger Vander Plaat, Lazear, Smith, and Vander Plaat, Orange Nursery & Stone Supply, R.S. Phillips Steel, Town of Warwick Historical Society.
Special thanks to DPW Supervisor, Mike Moser, Village of Warwick DPW Employees Mike Finelli, Chris Kane, Tony Rivera and Jason Makuch, Town of Warwick DPW Employee Brendan Kolesar, Village of Warwick DPW Clerk Cathy Schweizer, Village Clerk Raina Abramson, Village Treasurer Sadie Becker, Warwick and West Milford Rotary, Warwick American Legion Post 214, Warwick Veterans of Foreign War Post 4662 and the Warwick Fire Department who provided us with Color Guard for the dedication ceremony.
Thank you to Pastor Duensing Pearce and Father Jack Arlotta for their benedictions and thank you to Noreen Hanson and the Meister Singers and Elissa Jones for their musical talents.
These are the many hands that made the 9/11 Memorial Sculpture Garden a reality. It was a project that at certain moments seemed impossible but through the efforts of so many, we created a lasting memorial to the residents who perished September 11, 2001.
We will never forget.
Cynthia Wilson
Michael Newhard
Mayor, Village of Warwick