Health care debate lands in front of Warwick Post Office
The discussion of the federal government’s proposed health care plan heated up in downtown Warwick Saturday as a couple of supporters of Lyndon LaRouche set up a table in front of the Main St. Post Office. Their posters included a picture of President Obama with a penciled in Hitler-style moustache with the words: Obama Health Plan: Drop Dead. Their posters also featured the Nazi swastika and an unflattering picture of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Passersby were also handed a brochure titled “Act Now to Stop Obama’s Nazi Health Plan!” The cover featured a photograph of Hitler alongside President Obama, both being surrounded by a group of admirers. The literature likened the government’s proposed health care reforms to Hitler’s policies in Europe, including his death camps and program of euthanasia. They were also collecting signatures and money to support their campaign. Pretty soon, posters reflecting a different take on the proposed health plan appeared. One poster, referring to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights read: “Health ... A Human Right. U.N. Article 25.” In addition, the group of people demonstrating in favor of health care reform handed out their own leaflets issued by David Axelrod, senior advisor to President Obama, which attempted to debunk what was described as the misinformation being circulated by the Larouche supporters and many other media sources. On the issue of the supposed “euthanasia” the leaflet stated: “It’s a malicious myth that reform would encourage or even require euthanasia for seniors ... but would cover voluntary, private consultations for those who want help with personal and difficult end of life decisions.” Reaction from the town’s residents was mixed. Some motorists passing by on the busy Main Street seemed perplexed to see the array of signs outside the post office. Many gave the pro-health care reform posters the thumbs -up sign. “I will lose my health insurance through my job in a month or so and I don’t know what I’ll do then,” Susan Pharr commented. “I’m all in favor of a Government run health care option.” One angry passerby expressed disgust at the use of images of Hitler and the Nazi swastika in connection with the President of the United States. “What has Hitler to do with health care reform?” he demanded. Warwick woman whose mother survived the Holocaust said she, too, was offended by the tactics. “My mother lost most of her family in Auschwitz and barely escaped the gas chambers herself. I am offended by the literature portraying Obama, a black man, as a Nazi and buddy of Hitler. Such propaganda distorts history. Hitler and his regime killed millions in the name of Aryan superiority and it stands history on its head to insert Obama’s picture into a Nazi rally scene or to compare his health plan to Nazi war crimes/ tactics.” A motorist passing by pulled over his car and demanded to know whether the LaRouche gentlemen had a permit for displaying Nazi symbols in his home town. At one point the police were called to cool things down as the demonstrators and counter demonstrators broiled in the 90 degree noonday sun. As the police officer straddled his bicycle, he advised all parties to calm down and express their right to freedom of speech in a civilized fashion. Patricia DeBruhl Warwick