The heat is on...

| 08 Jul 2024 | 04:01

    Boy, oh boy! July has begun with a vengeance with temps in the 90s and high humidity. Please remember that Village Hall during our workday hours and the Albert Wisner Library during their daily open schedule are cooling centers.

    School and graduation are over, the Carnival has come to town, fireworks and the Fourth of July have occurred all in the blink of an eye. Still, there is so much to look forward to. The days ahead are filled with fun. The Summer Concert Series is in full gear and there are many music venues throughout the Valley. Recreational activities abound, Mountain Lake Park has pools, trails and pickle board courts. Reach out to the Town of Warwick for details: Our village parks are well-maintained and safe. Greenwood Lake is in the midst of celebrating its centennial, so there are many local activities and of course there is the public beach! Visit the Village of Greenwood Lakes website at: This is also the best time to visit any of our farmstands, markets, or “pick your own” venues – Och’s Orchard, Pennings Farm Market never fail!

    This coming Sunday, July 14, the farmers market will be celebrating its 30th year. There are many activities planned for the day, so a good reason to come downtown. I was involved in the formation of the Market way back when; for the record, it is the oldest continuous farmers market in the Hudson Valley. It was an exciting time during its formation and to see that it has only gotten stronger over the years is personally satisfying.

    To understand the impact the market has had is to understand that fresh vegetables from local farms at that time were not always accessible or available, the market directly connected the public to farms and their families. The Market has had an educational impact on areas of nutrition, seasonal produce, as well as introducing heirloom and unusual varieties. Prior to the Market, most shops and restaurants in the Village were closed on Sundays, the ripple effect of having a shopping venue resulted in Sunday being a great day to explore Warwick. The Warwick Valley Farmers Market has long been a role model for other community markets, and we are proud that it has played an integral role in the Warwick we know today.

    Congratulations and thank you!

    Michael Newhard, Mayor

    Village of Warwick