It was pick-up time for the sixth annual Toys for Military Tots drive sponsored by Orange County Community Radio WTBQ (1110 AM/93.5 FM) oOn Monday, Dec. 13.
More than $45,000 worth of new toys were collected for the children of service men and women in Orange County who have served and are serving.
Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus had sparked this drive six years ago and it has taken on a life of its own by gifting these toys to children of Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and of military stationed or deployed from Stewart Air Force Base.
“WTBQ wants to thank all the local businesses and residents who so generously contributed to this year’s bounty,” said Station Manager Taylor Sterling.
She reported that toys were collected at the offices of state, county and local officials as well as businesses including Dawson Motors, Leo Kaytes Ford, Yesterdays, The Computer Guy, Zayda’s Toy Emporium, all Orange Bank and Trust branches and the Warwick Valley School District along with the Nam Knights and many others from Orange County and Northern North Jersey.
Pete and Laura Rollins, who assist members of the DAV and their families, and MSgt. Sara Pastorello, director of communications at Stewart Air Force Base, will be distributing the toys to the children on Christmas morning as they open gifts they never imagined receiving.
“God bless us every one,” said Sterling, “for creating a smile filled, heartwarming holiday for so many children.”
- Roger Gavan