Town puts recycling company on notice-catch up or you're out

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:14

    WARWICK-Recycling has been a bit of an adventure this year. Hiring a new hauler in January, the Warwick Town Board went cautiously into the business venture - and with good reason. Now, just over six months into the three-year contract, the town has notified the company that it will terminate the contract if the recycling is not back on track within 30 days. "We have experienced difficulty with the vendor," said Supervisor Michael Sweeton. "Some areas have been missed, especially Wickham Village and the Village of Warwick. We put them on notice that if it is not corrected, we will look for a new vendor within 30 days. Patience is running very thin." The board went with Waste No More, Inc., of Nanuet after bidding the project twice. The closest bidder was nearly twice as much as the $29 per year being charged to each homeowner by Waste No More. But before the end of January, complaints were pouring in to the town because of missed pickups. The problem then was simply getting to know the town. Now, Waste No More has had mechanical problems with its trucks. Whatever the case, the town and its residents are getting fed up. "It's been two weeks since the village has been picked up," said village trustee George McManus. "If it is not picked up soon, we must do something about it. I think the town should send a truck in to pick up the recycling." Mayor Michael Newhard agreed. "If it is not fixed this week, I agree. The town is obliged to do something," he said. The town received four bids on the recycling contract during its second bid. The first bidding process brought only one company, Waste Management. The cost was much higher than in previous years, according to Waste Management, because of the increase in the amount of recycling with the county's mandatory recycling laws. The board waited an entire month before awarding the contract, looking into Waste No More, making sure it was a credible company. The owner, Carl Polichetti, passed the background check and got the $250,000 contract. Sweeton noted that the town had problems with the larger company in the past as well. Sweeton described Polichetti as a young man with a background in finance and economics and the son of a former recycling employee. The town asked for a fairly quick exit from the contract if Waste No More does not perform.