Student filming documentary about why people go to war

| 29 Sep 2011 | 08:14

Warwick — When asked to produce a final project for her compulsory course at Saint Thomas Aquinas College, entitled “Morality and War,” student Caitlin Bennett decided that she would make a documentary film exploring the reasons that people go to war, and how it changes them. The focus, in particular, was on students from Warwick Valley High School who have chosen to go to Iraq to fight. “I wanted to find out their motivations for joining, as well as explore how growing up in Warwick has shaped their views,” said Bennett, a lifelong Warwick resident. Bennett had also seen the Warwick Women in Black standing in vigil for peace over the last few years, and wondered who they were and what was their motivation, so she decided to interview the local peace group as part of her project. “ I thought it would be interesting to explore a group in a Republican area,” said Bennett, “because they are a pocket of dissidents in an area which largely supports the war policy. I was curious about this group, and what has kept them going. I also found their method of protest engaging.” So on Saturday, Feb. 18, Bennett stood with the group in frigid temperatures, filming their silent Vigil for Peace, held each Saturday at 1 p.m. outside Lewis Park in Warwick, opposite the clock tower. Afterwards, over a cup of hot tea in the warmth of the Tuscan Cafe, she conducted an interview of the women. One of them, Elan Gollumb, commented that she looked forward to viewing the final project when it is completed, and added “I thought the discussion was excellent and of a high quality.”