Warwick: March Madness success for St. Stephen’s CYO basketball teams

| 23 Mar 2025 | 04:51

St. Stephen’s CYO basketball program finished another successful season.

The program is run by Marijane Lamattina and is comprised of 11 teams.

The fourth-, sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade girls all won the Orange County Championships.

The sixth-grade girls proceeding to the Archdiocese Finals in Westchester. They fell short, losing by five points.

The fourth-grade boys won the Orange County B Division Championship.

This program would not be successful without the support of Robert Porras, the director of Facilities at the Greenwood Lake School District and the staff of St. Stephen’s Parish.

Fr. John Edison, the church’s Parochial Vicar, was the children’s biggest fan this season.