Several teams compete in annual regatta

Greenwood Lake. The race is put on each year by the East Arm Rowing Club.

| 12 Jun 2024 | 10:13

On Sunday, June 2, the East Arm Rowing Club held its annual Sullivan Cup Regatta in Greenwood Lake on the arm of the lake, the culmination of a six week rowing program sponsored by the club. The Regatta ran from 8 12 p.m. and featured 10 different races, where two boats raced at a time.

Jean Zimmer, the starter of the races, lined up the boats and started the races with a bullhorn from the committee launch boat. Cate Cody was the captain driving the boat and Brian Walk was the race time master.

The winners of the Sullivan Cup, an eight-person crew, were: Val Zammitti, Jennifer Cardine, Lisette Brown, Stephanie Michaelson, Tina Bossio, Kerri Brown, Kate Winsley and Stacey Miehe, with coaching by Bob Zimmer.

The winners of the Alex Emodi Cup, a mixed four person rowing team, were: Mathew Sorrell, Patricia Aspera-Wright, Christine Carter and Patricia Hallman, with coaching by Anthony Paterno.

The regatta also included a women’s team of four round, with the winning team sponsored by The Last Whiskey Bar: Kathy Campagna, Bonnie Werk, Terry Lindsay and Dianne Tarantino, with coaching by Barbara DeStafeno.