New stop signs should slow drivers on Forester Avenue in the v
Warwick-The speed limit on Forester Avenue. from Route 17A past Burt Farms is 20 miles per hour. You would never know it, though. Recently the village placed a speed tracking device near Park Avenue School on Forester and the average speed was 44 miles per hour, more than twice the legal speed limit. With a new road emptying onto Forester soon from Warwick Grove, village officials thought now was the right time to slow drivers down. They will install stop signs on Forester at Burt Street going toward Route 17A and at the new street, McFarlane, coming from 17A. "It is a great start," said Barbara Hafner of Campsite Way, a road that runs parallel to the new McFarlane Road. "Right now it's needed. We can't get out of the driveway now. This is very needed." Warwick Grove is an adult community of 215 homes and condos being built behind Homestead Village and Veterans' Memorial Park. Access to the property will be through McFarlane. In addition, there are preliminary plans to build a new library on McFarlane as well, bringing a huge increase in the amount of traffic at that spot. The village is planning on installing parking meters on the east side of Spring Street, between West and McEwen Street. A public hearing is planned for July 12 at 7:30. Also that night, a public hearing will be held to discuss increasing the cost of a sewer tap. Anyone wishing to tap into the village's sewer system must now pay $1,000. The village is hoping to raise that to $3,000.