New blood donor center opens at St. Anthony

| 30 Sep 2011 | 09:39

Staff of the new blood donor center at St. Anthony Community Hospital in Warwick recently celebrated the opening of the new facility with guests, located at the physician offices to the right of the hospital’s main entrance. In the front, from the left: Gerianne Horan, laboratory director; Pam Mosca, senior risk manager; Carla Gardepe, chief phlebotomist; Leyda Duran, transfusion and donor program manager at Good Samaritan Hospital; Marlene Roerden, ambulatory surgery clinical coordinator; Judy Lindberg, vice president patient care services; Joie Ogrodnick, emergency department nurse manager; Garrett Durland, president of the Warwick Valley Chamber of Commerce; and Lucia Bonnier, Bon Secours Charity Health System director renal and laboratory services. In the rear: Julie Gallagher, chief technologist; and Tammy Jean-Louis, Evelyn Desir and Will Franck, Good Samaritan Hospital Donor program phlebotomists.