Mississippi mayor on hand for Florida Cares Relief drive

FLORIDA- Xavier Bishop, the mayor of Moss Point, Miss., was welcomed with open arms and open pocketbooks during his visit to the Village of Florida last Sunday afternoon. He was there for the climax of the Florida Cares Relief Drive, created specifically to help residents of his city who lost so much because of Hurricane Katrina. At Sunday’s Florida Cares concert and fun day at Walter R. Sturr Park, Bishop got a chance to meet several local, town, county and state officials who played a role in the relief effort. He also got a chance to meet Polka King Jimmy Sturr and several other acclaimed musicians. According to James Mezzetti, co-chairman of the fund drive, state Insurance Commissioner (and former assemblyman) Howard Mills initially identified Moss Point as a place where local relief efforts could make a difference. He also made the initial contact with city officials. Mezzettii also credited John Witterschein, CEO of Pharmline in the Village of Florida and the relief drive’s co-chairman, with establishing the effort. So far approximately $30,000 has been raised and the trailer full of relief supplies, clothes and other necessary items is scheduled to depart for Mississippi sometime this week. During the Sunday’s gathering, the Florida Fire Department and Rescue Squad served up refreshments at the park, with all proceeds going to the fund. It also was a day for the mayor of Moss Point to see how the people in a community, in many ways like his, can lend their helping hands.