WVCSD Artist of the Week: Scarlett Forestire

Warwick. This senior enjoys visual art and writing.

| 10 May 2024 | 11:06

Warwick Valley High School senior Scarlett Forestire gets most of her artistic inspiration from her family, especially her mom who is a middle school art teacher.

“Art is something I’ve been doing with my mom since I was really young,” said Forestire, “and I really look up to her.”

Over the years, Forestire has worked hard to grow in her approach and technique to her visual art and, more recently, her writing. She remembers the sketchbook her mom gave her when she was younger, something she still treasures today.

“Yes, I still have it,” she said with a smile. “And if I go back and look at the old art I did, I’m like, ‘what the heck!?’ But when I compare it and the art I do now, I realize how much I’ve grown from my life and from my experiences.”

Forestire has recently taken a few writing courses with Danielle Debella, which have led to a new appreciation for the self-expression that writing affords her. With Debella, Forestire has been able to delve into different forms of writing, and said she prefers college-level English classes that challenge her to answer specific questions from her own perspective.

Earlier this spring, Forestire’s personal essay, “The Yellow House,” earned her a 2024 Scholastic Art & Writing Award. Forestire explained that she wrote the essay, which addresses the deep personal loss of her grandfather, as part of her college admissions packet.

“It was written about when he passed away, and how I grew from that experience into the person I’ve become,” Forestire shared. “The yellow house represented my grandfather’s carpentry workshop. Basically, it was about my memories with him and how that loss led me to grow as a person. I realized that, even when I’m feeling down, he’s looking out for me.”

A couple weeks ago, Forestire was awarded a scholarship from regional law firm Sobo & Sobo. The firm’s annual scholarship contest challenges students to create a piece of artwork that combines the Sobo & Sobo logo with a symbol, concept, or copy representing the student’s interpretation of justice. Scarlett was one of only three students from hundreds of entrants across the state to win. Interestingly enough, while art will always be something Forestire loves, she also loves law. Forestire will be attending Sienna College in the fall, studying business on a pre-law track.

“I have a few options, like corporate or employment law,” Forestire said. “I really like the employment lawyer option because that’s more about discrimination in the workplace, and that’s something I’m really interested in.”