Warwick Valley School Board welcomes new members
| 13 Jul 2017 | 06:48
At the annual organizational meeting of the Warwick Valley School District on July 10, Board Clerk Susan Laroe administered the Oath of Office to newly elected school board members John Garcia, Bob Howe and Dory Masefield, as well as this year's Warwick Valley High School student board member, Anna Costa. Beginning in front, from left to right, the members of the 2017-18 Warwick Valley School are: Lynn Lillian, Denise Ginley, Keith Parsons, Sharon Davis and David Eaton; and standing: John Garcia, Eilleen Gagliano, Bob Howe, Dory Masefield, Superintendent Dr. David Leach and WVHS student member Anna Costa.
Photo provided
by Louise Hutchison