Warwick Valley Rotarians donate $110K to assist non-profit organizations

Warwick. This includes more than 50 area non-profits.

| 24 Jul 2024 | 01:24

Students, senior citizens, and more than 50 non-profit organizations have benefitted from $110,000 raised by the Warwick Valley Rotary Club during the past 12 months, the group says.

Under the leadership of President Neil Sinclair, the 82-member service club held fundraisers assisting veterans, student and youth groups, food pantries, health organizations, and others.

Fundraising events include the Warwick Citizen of the Year/Outstanding Community Service Awards Recognition Dinner, Flags for Heroes, movie night at the drive-in, and a beefsteak dinner at Mountain Lake Park.

As well, Rotarians co-sponsor the Warwick Senior Picnic at the town park, co-host the Christmas party for needy children at the Reformed Church, reward four high school graduating seniors with $2,000 scholarships, and donate $1,500 each to Winslow Therapeutic Riding Center, Warwick Humane Society, Backpack Snack Attack, and more. Rotarians are also responsible for the military tribute banners displayed in the villages of Warwick and Florida

Warwick Valley Rotary is a service club comprised of community-minded residents who assist non-profits with donations of time, talent, and money to improve the quality of life in Warwick and beyond. All money raised by the Warwick Valley Rotary Club is donated back to nonprofits, according to the club.

To learn more about Rotary, residents are invited to attend the weekly luncheon meetings held at noon each Wednesday at the Landmark Inn.