The Warwick Rotary Club would like to thank all those who sponsored flags this year as a way of honoring their heroes.
To sponsor an American Flag for your hero, a donation of $50 earned the display of a 3’x5’ American flag on a 10-foot pole with an individual medallion identifying the hero and the sponsor
This year’s annual Flags for Heroes, which ended Sept. 19, raised approximately $10,000. The proceeds will be used for local charitable programs.
There were 233 flags to honor the heroes of Warwick and beyond, including the 13 soldiers that recently died in the Afghanistan evacuation. The Warwick Rotary reported that these 13 flags were sponsored by a proud veteran and his family.
“This was the most Flags that Rotary has ever displayed,” said Project Manager Laura Barca. “We thank the community for representing your hero with a Flag and we thank Dolph and Helene at The Chateau Hathorn for allowing us to use their front yard. We also thank Rich and Brock Majewski from Allied Excavating for their generous donation of fuel that keeps the flags lit every night for the four weeks that they are displayed.”
The Warwick Rotary Club is part of an international membership organization with a commitment to enhancing communities and improving lives by encouraging and fostering the ideal of service.
- Roger Gavan