Warwick Police hosts K-9 certification trials

| 11 Jun 2018 | 08:43

WARWICK — Police K-9 teams came from all of New York State, including New York City, as well as portions of Connecticut.
This year the Town of Warwick Police Department hosted the United States Police Canine Association Region 7 annual police canine certification trials.
The trials took place Saturday, June 9, and Sunday, June 10, at the soccer fields across from the Warwick Town Park on Union Corners Road.
More than 25 K-9 teams from Region 7 attended in order to achieve the important certification from the United States Police Canine Association (USPCA.)
The USPCA is the Nation's oldest and largest Police K-9 organization engaged in training and certifying police canine teams.
On Saturday the dogs demonstrated their agility by climbing ladders, jumping over walls and fences.
They were also put to the scent test by finding where the bad guy was in one of six enclosures.
On Sunday the teams were tested on criminal apprehension by capturing officers posing as fleeing suspects.
The dogs also had to obey commands to return in the event they were chasing the wrong person or heading into dangerous traffic.
And, after apprehending the suspect, they stood guard while the officer performed a search.
Later in the day the dogs bravely attacked and subdued a "criminal" holding a gun and firing blanks.
The public was invited to attend the event on both days to observe the level of dedication and hard work that is required to be certified as a successful police K-9 team.
- Roger Gavan