Warwick Municipal Airport hosts wedding reception

| 05 Jun 2016 | 12:02

Warwick Municipal Airport may have to change its name to Warwick International Airport.
On Sunday, May 22, the usually quiet and picturesque field was the scene of a wedding reception with a band playing lively Russian dance music in the main hangar and, later, about 150 guests enjoying a banquet under a huge tent.
They were surrounded by vintage airplanes with historic manufacturers' designations like Stearman P17, Boeing P23 and Tiger Moth.
The bride, Vicky Rybek, is a native of St. Petersburg, Russia. The groom, Gennady Gruman, comes from Moldova, an Eastern European country and former Soviet republic.
And the wedding was planned and organized by family friend Hannah Xue, who was born in China.
It was a picture-perfect evening with clear blue skies and warm temperatures.
The wedding ceremony, performed by Town of Warwick Supervisor Michael Sweeton, took place at Town Hall. Then the happy couple, now Mr. and Mrs. Gruman, were given a tour of the area in a bright yellow 1930 Model A Ford convertible owned and driven by Airport Manager Dave Mac Millan. And, adding to the merriment of the occasion, that's how they arrived at the airport reception.
Warwick Municipal Airport is a public-use airport located approximately three miles northeast of downtown Warwick. The Association has "good neighbor" rules and regulations for the direction of flight in the local traffic pattern and prohibits "touch and go" practice landings and take-offs as well as transient night landings. The airport also sponsors several interesting events each year that are open to the public as a community service.
Fees for private or commercial uses help cover general maintenance costs and stabilize tenant rental charges at a reasonable level.
"Our entire operation," said Mac Millan, "is geared to maintaining positive and friendly relations with our neighbors and everyone in Warwick. We are always sensitive to their concerns."