Warwick. Historical Society receives donation from Howard Hanna Rand Realty
Warwick /
| 02 Apr 2021 | 11:58

The Warwick Historical Society (WHS) is appreciative to Howard Hanna Rand Realty who held several fund raisers in support of the society. A check presentation for $1,410 was held upstairs in Baird’s Tavern on Tuesday, March 16. In addition, another $598 was raised through a fund raiser held via Facebook. WHS gave a special preview of the Society’s “Women’s Tea Party - Secret Suffrage Meeting” to the Howard Hanna Rand Realty team. Shown in the photo, from left to right are: Mary Ann Knight, Lisa Ryan, Sue Onderdonk, Grace Warren, Bridget Wallace, Regina Wittosch, Marsha Talbot, Danielle Roche, Lucy Zanetti, Chris Ford, Nora Gurvich, Kim Starks, Corrine Iurato, Rachael Heiss, Steven Wing and Jack Ellis. Provided photo.