Warwick Girls on the Run Team raises $625 for Beautiful People
WARWICK — The Warwick Girls on the Run team presented a $625 check to representatives of Beautiful People on June 12 at the Sanfordville Elementary School.
As part of their community service project the girls decided to hold a bake sale and voted to donate the proceeds to Beautiful People. The sale was held at the entrance of Lewis Park on June 3.
Girls on the Run is a national, non-profit whose mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun experienced base curriculum which creatively integrates running.
The program culminates with a 5K that was run on June 10 at the New York Military Academy in Cornwall.
The team was comprised of girls from Sanfordville and Greenwood Lake Elementary Schools and home schoolers.
Beautiful People is a nonprofit headquartered in Warwick whose mission is to build bridges between children with disabilities and their families and the broader community of Orange County by providing adaptive sports for children and young adults