Warwick Chamber 'Caboose' office has a brand new fence
WARWICK — After 25 years and quite a few South Street floods, the fence surrounding the Warwick Valley Chamber of Commerce "Caboose" office had seen its day.
Early last month, Town of Warwick Supervisor Michael Sweeton, Mayor Michael Newhard and members of the Chamber's Board of Directors joined representatives of the Protection Fence Company to celebrate the installation of a new replacement with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
The attractive custom cedar spaced picket fence was installed in exchange for sponsorships of some chamber events and the advertising benefit of placement in a central and highly visible location.
Protection Fence Company, 1477 State Route 17M, started out as a mom and pop company; after 40 years it's still a family run business.
The company is known for its ability to provide a sturdy, attractive, long lasting product to fit a large variety of different tastes. Although it's based in Chester, it does work in all the surrounding towns and villages.
"Our fences can be installed to blend perfectly with surrounding landscaping or stand out tastefully as the focal point of the property," said Manager Joe Moocz Jr. " We excel in the art of manufacturing custom made white cedar wood fences in a variety of styles. And we are a member of the Warwick Valley Chamber of Commerce."
Protection Fence also offers custom made rose arbors, various types of post and rail fences, Jerith (r) aluminum wrought iron style fences, Country Estate (r) P.V.C. fences, and chain link fences.
For additional information call 469-2294 or visit www.ProtectionFencecoinc.com.