Warwick Rotarians are planning a fund-raising “all-you-can-eat” beefsteak dinner and tricky tray to help support three dozen non-profit organizations the local service club assists.
The event will be held Feb. 18 at the Town of Warwick’s Mountain Lake Park (formerly Kutz Camp), 45 Bowen Road, off Warwick Turnpike.
Dinner co-chairs Leo R. Kaytes and Laura Barca said the dinner will consist of unlimited sliced beef tenderloin dipped in sweet butter served on freshly sliced French bread, a relish tray of olives and pickles, ice cream sundae, coffee and tea. BYOB. Grilled chicken and stuffed shell options are available if ordered when purchasing tickets.
Chair Cindy Vander Plaat promised a wide variety of items would be available for the tricky tray.
Tickets at $50 per person are available at warwickvalleyrotary.org.
Warwick Rotarians are community volunteers who come together to create positive influences locally and around the world. The 70-member Warwick Valley Rotary Club helps support about three dozen non-profit organizations with time and financial donations. All funds raised by the Warwick Valley Rotary Club are donated back to the needy.