Village of Florida to hold elections March 18

Florida. Voters will choose candidates for two trustee seats and the village justice seat.

| 14 Mar 2025 | 12:10

On March 18, from 12 to 9 p.m., Village of Florida residents will vote to fill two trustee seats and one village justice seat. The election will take place at the Senior Center, which is located near the library and police station on Cohen Circle. The candidates running for trustee are incumbents Alyssa Werner and Matthew Roach, who are both running unopposed for another four-year term. The sole village justice candidate is Peter D. Barlet, who is also running unopposed to retain his seat for another four-term term.

The trustee candidates were asked to provided a bit about their experience and goals for the coming year. Their edited responses are below.

Alyssa Werner

I have proudly served as village trustee since 2020 and am seeking reelection. In my current term as trustee, I have received nearly $1 million in grant funding for parkland/watershed protection land acquisition, a UV disinfection system at the sewer plant, and a fully funded new basketball/pickleball court. In 2021, I worked closely with our water technicians and engineers to do the pilot study for the water treatment plant, and I am proud to see that the water treatment plant project is in progress.

My goals for my next term are completion of the water treatment plant this year, applying for new grants, additional sewer plant upgrades, additional parking at Village Hall, completion of sidewalks, Route 94 water line replacement, and hopefully a downtown revitalization project if we are awarded grant funding. I work closely with the Chamber of Commerce and other groups to make this the best community possible. In recent years, I have spearheaded the Village’s Easter Egg Hunt, 9/11 Memorial, and Christmas Tree Lighting.

I am fifth generation in the village, a local business owner, member of the Chamber of Commerce, and mother, and I work diligently to do what is best for the Village as a whole. I believe in public safety and safe access for the Florida Fire Department and other first responders. I am fiscally responsible as demonstrated by keeping the Village taxes low — consistently under 2%. I have many goals and look forward to working hard to serve the Village of Florida in my next term.

Matthew Roach

It is very rewarding to have the opportunity to give back and help maintain the quality of life and provide the services our village residents deserve and expect. The past four years have gone by fast and I am looking forward to being able to represent and serve the community for the next four years. I look to continue to build on the priorities I outlined when I ran for election four years ago. The priorities I outlined were focused on providing our village a safe and sustainable water source, expand and improve our parks, and continued improvement of the village Main Street area, while maintaining fiscal responsibility for the residents of Florida.

Working with the board, we have made progress in these areas as development on our new water treatment plant is underway. Maintaining Glenmere Lake as a viable long-term water source, delivering our new basketball/pickleball courts, making overall improvements to our parks, expanding parking at the senior center starting in the spring, and sidewalk expansion plans for 2025 are just a few of the many initiatives that are completed or planned. The board has worked hard to access funding and grant opportunities to support these initiatives and deliver improvements for our village.

Over the next four years I am committed to continue my focus on the key priorities outlined above and bring the current projects to completion. I am looking forward to being your representative and voice for the next four years and remain accessible to the residents in the village.