Sugar Loaf TapHouse to open in former Barnsider Restaurant

| 01 Feb 2018 | 04:00

By Ginny Privitar
— Sugar Loaf and all of Chester is abuzz with the news: construction is ongoing at the old Barnsider Restaurant in Sugar Loaf.
Marco and Heather Solari, owners of the Copper Bottom Restaurant in the Village of Florida, are opening a new restaurant in the old Barnsider. According to their Facebook page, it will be called The Sugar Loaf TapHouse.
Contractors have been busy at work extending the bar, renovating and upgrading the kitchen, and generally fixing up the place. A new ramp for handicap access is being constructed, too. Beau Dave's Plumbing was busy at work when The Chronicle visited.
The opening of the new restaurant will be a boon for the community, which suffered financially after the closing of the Barnsider, for many years a very popular restaurant and meeting place.
"We're thrilled to be welcoming a well-established business to Sugar Loaf," said Rachel Bertoni, owner of Bertoni Gallery and vice president of the Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce. "We are looking forward to their success, and hopefully we'll get back to where we were before the Barnsider closed. A lot of people are excited and they have such a good reputation that I'm sure a bunch of us will go over there and have a party to welcome them to the community."
Attempts to reach the Solaris for comment have been unsuccessful.
From the Copper Bottom Facebook site:
Jan. 3: "We are excited to announce we will be opening up another restaurant in Sugar Loaf, NY. Like our new page for Sugar Loaf TapHouse Grill for updates. We truly appreciate all the support from the community so far. Thank you!"
From the Sugar Loaf TapHouse Facebook site:
Jan. 3: "We are excited to announce that hopefully in the spring we will be opening up our new restaurant in the town of Sugar Loaf, NY. The old Barnsider Tavern and property still needs some updating and repair, but we are excited to keep its rustic charm. Stay tuned for updates. Sincerely, Heather and Marco Solari."
Jan. 21: "New windows installed! They look like they’ve been there forever .. seamless update by JPO construction. Looking forward to showing you inside pics soon. Our team has been hard at work getting the Sugar Loaf TapHouse ready for opening."