Steakhouse & hotel applicant updates board on stormwater, traffic issues
Greenwood Lake. The planning board also set a public hearing for the Cabin#12 marina application.

Updates on the development of Benjamin’s Steakhouse & Hotel at 7 Waterstone Road were presented at the Greenwood Lake Planning Board on April 4. This was the only returning application at the meeting.
This project involves demolishing the old motel and restaurant in that location and building a new one. This project has been in discussion for “close to a year” said secretary Danielle Mulqueen, who also said the project is almost ready. Planning Board Chair Bob Zimmer said he was “excited to see the project move forward.”
According to the applicant, stormwater designs were revised to provide more capacity and improve quality. One concern was reducing the phosphorus levels in Greenwood Lake. The federal Environmental Protection Agency describes phosphorus as “a critical nutrient required for all life,” like nitrogen. However, “too much phosphorus can cause increased growth of algae and large aquatic plants, which can result in decreased levels of dissolved oxygen – a process called eutrophication,” according to the EPA. This leads to algae blooms in the water.
New traffic control methods were discussed as well. “One recommendation was at Waterstone and Sterling roads, there is a three-way intersection there, it is a little bit of a confusing intersection with the alignment of the roads, so one of our recommendations was to put an ‘all way’ plaque that goes beneath Stop signs.” said traffic engineer Starke Hipp of Creighton Manning Engineering. He said that additional stop signs could be added at “17A and TenEyck Ave. there and then the Village Plaza driveway where Dunkin Donuts is.”
The board decided to review the SEQR [State Environmental Quality Review Act] at the next meeting. “I think we wait to close out everything and then close SEQR and issue the final approval. It makes more sense to do it all in one meeting.” said board member Jack Sirios.
Other Business
Steve Honan and Michael Stearns were welcomed as new members of the board. Honan is a planning attorney, and Sterns is a building inspector.
A public hearing was set up for the “Cabin12” application to take place at the next planning board meeting in May. “It’s the new marina, that is by the 17A bridge and they have an application, it probably hasn’t been distributed yet, but they want to expand their facility to offer food and drink,” said Zimmer.
Although public hearings were open at the meeting, no public were present. No new agendas were presented during the meeting.
Additional news
Greenwood Lake’s budget workshop, scheduled for April 3, 2024, was canceled the same day due to “waiting on final numbers from our insurance broker, which are needed to finalize the budget,” according to Greenwood Lake’s website; the next budget workshop will be on April 17, 2024, at 47 Waterstone Road.