Solar project returns to the drawing board

Warwick. The planning board also gave the greenlight for a public hearing on a 14-lot subdivision.

| 24 Jun 2024 | 03:21

The Warwick Town Planning Board rejected the Draft Environmental Impact Statement provided by “Capozza Four Corners Solar” for the proposed construction of a commercial large-scale solar energy installation facility on Ridge Road near Four Corners Road. During the June 20 meeting, the board deemed the DEIS incomplete and inadequate and said the applicant needed to do more work on the statement.

During the meeting, the board set a preliminary public hearing for Ball Farm, LLC’s proposed 14-lot subdivision and special use permit for one affordable home to be located at Ball Road and South Street Extension. As explained by Planning Board Secretary Connie Sardo, the public hearing is set for the next available meeting date, pending the applicant’s submission of a revised application to the planning board, as this has not yet been received.