Rotarians donate $6,000 to local food projects

Warwick. Three area food pantries and the Backpack Snack Attack program were among the awardees.

| 03 Jun 2024 | 03:45

Members of the Warwick Valley Rotary recently announced a combined donation of $6,000 to four Town of Warwick food projects, donating $1,500 each to food pantries in Greenwood Lake, Florida and Warwick, plus $1,500 to Backpack Snack Attack.

Additionally, $1,000 has been allocated to the Warwick Ecumenical Ministry’s Emergency Assistance Fund and $500 to the Community Kitchen in Pine Island.

At the club’s May 29 meeting, Rotary President Neil Sinclair presented a check to Florida Food Pantry Director Beth Maas and volunteer Cindi Codi, alongside Greenwood Lake Food Pantry representatives Pat Albers and Pat Nolan.

Warwick Valley Rotary is a local service club comprised of 80 residents who assist about 30 non-profit organizations with donations of time, talent and money to improve the quality of life in Warwick and beyond. Anyone interested in joining Rotary are invited to attend the weekly meetings held each Wednesday at noon at the Landmark Inn off Route 94 in Warwick.