Repair Cafe returns July 15

WARWICK — The Repair Cafe returns Saturday, July 15, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Senior Center in the Warwick Town Hall Complex at 132 Kings Highway.
Bring your beloved but broken item and together with the cafe's repair coaches fix it for free (there are at-cost charges for lamp and bike parts).
There is a limit of three items per person.
Here are the skills of the Repair Cafe's coaches:
• Mechanical and electrical
• Things made of wood
• Clothing and textiles
• Soft toys - dolls and stuffed animals
• Electronic and digital devices
• Knife and tool sharpening
• Jewelry and basic bike repairs
Future cafe dates are Saturdays, Sept. 16 and Nov. 18
Volunteers, including fixers, greeters and bakers, are needed.
For more information, call 845-544-1056 or go online to