Preparing to make a difference in the world
Warwick. Superintendent’s Spotlight: Arden Hallett, WVHS

Arden Hallett’s 2021-22 school year began on a very auspicious note, when - in just the second week of classes - the senior learned she had been named a semifinalist in the prestigious National Merit Scholarship competition.
Arden admits she’d been hopefully anticipating the news and was thrilled when it came.
To provide perspective, there are 16,000 National Merit Scholarship semifinalists nationwide. They represent less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors. This spring, National Merit will award 7,500 finalists $30 million in scholarships.
Arden earned her semifinalist honor with a stellar academic record. Last year, alone, she achieved Summa Cum Laude Honor Roll recognition in all four marking periods. She was also bestowed NYS Scholar-Athlete status. To do that, a student must maintain an average of 90 or better, during your varsity athletic season.
“My favorite subjects are math and Spanish,” said Arden, who appreciates the everyday usefulness that both subjects deliver. “I appreciate how practical math is for many real-world applications. It’s also very satisfying to think logically and solve problems.”
Arden’s interest in travel and experiencing other cultures inspires her love of language. She said, “(Language) is a great tool for connecting to people across the globe.”
Arden has been an active member of Student Government throughout her time at WVHS. She said she enjoys being involved in the school community, especially helping plan, and then participating in, school events. She recently enjoyed her final homecoming weekend, which she said has always been one of her favorite annual school events.
“One of my favorite parts of the year is helping build the floats for homecoming,” she said. “I’ve also really enjoyed getting involved in the community through Interact Club.
The Interact Club is one of the high school’s many extracurricular clubs and activities. The leadership-building group is sponsored by the Warwick Valley Rotary.
“It gives high school students the chance to be part of service efforts throughout the Warwick community,” said Arden. “It’s a lot of fun.”
Arden will be attending the University of Iowa next fall, where she will study actuarial science and statistics. It’s a path that seems well-suited for a student who appreciates the “IRL” nuances and applications of the subjects she studies.
“These are fields that help us use data to make accurate predictions,” explained Arden. “They improve our decision making and I hope to help others understand data so they can make informed decisions.”
While Arden is looking forward to going off to college in a city, there is plenty she said is going to miss.
“I know that I’ll definitely miss the beauty of the Warwick Valley,” she said. “And I’m going to miss all my friends from school and the great people I’ve met through my job at the Chester McDonald’s.”