Park Avenue PTA hosts Snow Cone Social on Aug. 31

| 16 Aug 2017 | 07:17

WARWICK — Park Avenue families are invited to the Park Avenue PTA Snow Cone Social on Thursday, Aug. 31.
Meet new school mates and meet up with friends you haven’t seen all summer – and share a snow cone treat.
Each Park Avenue student will receive a voucher for a snow cone (shaved ice).
• Who: All Park Avenue students and families.
• What: Get the “scoop” on the new school year.
• Where: Park Avenue Elementary School lawn.
When: Thursday, Aug. 31, at 3 to 5 p.m.
PTA membership opportunities will be available.
This back-to-school social is provided by the Park Avenue PTA.
"We want to be sensitive to food allergies, so please feel free to bring a safe snack for your child to enjoy," the PTA said in the press release announcing the event. "We ask that you please do not bring bikes, scooters, skateboards, etc."
Email the PTA if you have any questions or concerns: