The Third District Attorney’s Office Youth Fishing Derby will run from April 1 through Sept. 4, 2023. The event is open to young people between the ages of 4 and 18 who are children or grandchildren of Orange County residents.
Entry into the derby is free. All fish entered in the contest must be legally caught from anywhere in New York State and contestants must adhere to all current state fishing regulations. Both fresh and saltwater fish are eligible to be entered.
To enter, email a photo of the contestant holding the fish, as well as the child’s first name and an adult contact phone number, to dafishingcontest@gmail.com. Up to three fish per person can be entered during the contest and any fish entered has an equal chance to win a prize.
Ten winners will be drawn at random from all entries received during the contest dates. Winners will receive a t-shirt and a Mystery Tackle Box Bass Fishing Kit. The first winner drawn will also receive a $100 gift card. Prizes can be picked up at the District Attorney’s Office in Goshen or will be mailed at the conclusion of the contest.
The Fishing Derby is part of District Attorney David M. Hoovler’s community outreach program. He said he hopes that county youth will be encouraged to participate in an exciting outdoor sport that can be enjoyed for a lifetime.
“I wish good luck to all our young anglers, and I hope that you enjoy your time in our great outdoors,” Hoovler said. “Have fun and stay safe, and maybe I will see you on the water this year!”