Warwick. Town cancels senior bbq
The town has cancelled its annual Senior Citizen BBQ.
“While this is very disappointing, as it is an event that our seniors look forward to each year, we do not want to endanger them in any way,” said town Supervisor Michael Sweeton.
The cancellation is due to the coronavirus. The 65 and older population has been hit hard with fatalities, accounting for 77 percent of the deaths due to COVID-19 county-wide, according to Sweeton.
The town partners with the Rotary to host the annual August event at the town park on Union Corners Road. Community volunteers, town employees and elected officials cook and serve lunch, dinner and dessert, including hot dogs, chicken, corn-on-the-cob and more. The event usually brings out hundreds of seniors along with state, county, town and village officials.
“Our seniors and community have done a great job in staying safe, and we can’t stop now,” Sweeton said in his message. “I want our senior citizens to know that we will hold the Town of Warwick/Warwick Valley Rotary BBQ once again next year in a bigger and better way, so mark your calendars.”
Warwick. Phase Four of state’s reopening is here
The Hudson Valley is in phase four of the state’s reopening plan. This final phase allows schools and low-risk arts, entertainment and recreation businesses to reopen. Social distancing is required. Gatherings of up to 50 people are allowed.
The biggest impact to the town, according to Supervisor Michael Sweeton, is the opening of arts and entertainment – both outdoors and indoors. Car shows, musical venues, exhibits and museums may open with social distancing and a limit of 33 percent capacity. Each location must have a written safety plan.
Phase three allowed restaurants to reopen for dine-in service at 50 percent capacity.
Warwick. Yoga in Lewis Park
The Warwick Historical Society has partnered with instructors from numerous local yoga studios to offer multiple sessions of yoga in Lewis Park throughout the week. All skill levels are welcome to participate in physically distanced but socially connected yoga, techniques and fees vary by instructor.
Currently, yoga is offered on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays at 9:30 a.m., and Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 p.m., plus select Sundays at 10:30 a.m. with hopes to add an earlier, 8 a.m. session as well, the schedule is subject to change. Attendees must bring their own props and mats, proper personal protective equipment and socially distancing are required.
Call the Warwick Historical Society at 845-986-3236 or visit Facebook.com/WHSNY.org for more information.