New pollinator garden at Mountain Lake Park

Warwick. The garden was a community effort led by Sustainable Warwick and Orange Environment.

| 18 Oct 2024 | 02:38

Sustainable Warwick and Orange Environment announced the installation of phase one of a new pollinator meadow garden at Mountain Lake Park in Warwick on October 14. Youth group volunteers from the Brownies, Future Farmers of America, and TACA Community Robotics all worked to prep the site by weeding, raking, and then planting over 100 plants of three different native species known to attract pollinators unique to this region. A mulch of grass clippings was also applied around the new plants to protect them as they gain a foothold in their new home on the steep slope next to the pickleball courts. Since this area is difficult to mow and maintain, the groups chose plants that were hardy and able to adapt to hillside conditions, Sustainable Warwick explained in its announcement.

“We are excited to see this community-led initiative come to life,” said Sally Greco, chair of Sustainable Warwick’s Pollinator Pathway Committee. “The new garden will not only create a beautiful and functional space within Mountain Lake Park but will also contribute to the ongoing mission to create pollinator-friendly pathways throughout Warwick and beyond.”

The garden design and plant species were chosen and planted under the guidance of Anne Wibiralske, director of Orange Environment’s Hudson Valley Pollinator Project. The current planting included mountain mint, wild bergamot, and roundleaf groundsel. Dr. Wibiralske stated that “...planting them in the fall will give these plants a chance to develop strong deep roots before winter sets in and exhibit a display of different colors throughout the next growing season as they mature. Planting native species will enhance biodiversity and give pollinators like monarch butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees a landing zone, places to lay their eggs, and nectar to eat for energy as they go about fertilizing our flowers and crops!”

The two groups expressed gratitude toward the town Warwick and Park Director Sam Walters “for allowing us to install the pollinator garden and welcoming us to the park as volunteers,” adding, “We also thank: Toby Schack and Anne Wibiralske of Orange Environment for their continued support and Anne’s expertise and guidance, Sally Greco and Michael Helme of the Sustainable Warwick Pollinator Pathway Committee for their commitment and indomitable spirit to planning and getting the job done, and for the dedicated efforts of all the youth volunteers and others that came out to help with the planting on October 14; Breanna O’Neil and Abigail Mentone, both Brownies, and Jackson Mentone, Aiden and Zoe from TACA and their dad Ryan Edwards, Allie Ross of Future Farmers of America, and our other volunteers Jeff Zahn, Mark Yasika, Alana Heller, and Nicole Siani.”

Anyone interested in helping with future plantings and other projects may contact For more information on Orange Environment, go to and for info on the Hudson Valley Pollinator Project, go to